Monday 24 June 2013

Rainproof Workouts

Make a Personal Appearance 

Make a Personal Appearance
Before you send off that quick email to your office mate regarding next week’s staff meeting, why don’t you go over to his or her cubicle and tell them yourself? Getting out of your chair and walking a few extra steps, even if it’s just a few meters away, makes a difference and counts as part of the 10,000 steps you need to do in a day anyway. While you’re at it, skip the elevator and try using the stairs. If you work at the top floor of a sky scraper, then at least walk a few flights before punching the “up” button. Going up manually strengthens your quadriceps, as well as improves blood circulation.
Now while these mentioned activities can’t measure up to calories burned from running or spinning, they at least burn more than you would sitting at your office desk or watching TV at home.




Kitchen Calisthenics 

Kitchen Calisthenics
Barre3 founder Sadie Lincoln understands how women can be too busy to make it to a barre3 class, so she created a home version of the total body workout, called Here, her signature toning, lifting, and shaping classes—normally practiced in a studio with a ballet barre, weights, and a resistance ball—are available on video, and each exercise move is designed for you to do in the comfort of your own home. Your kitchen counter can replace the ballet barre, and 500ml water bottles can serve as your dumbbells!

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