Thursday, 1 August 2013
Money and marriage: what spouses should merge and what they should keep separate
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Back in 2011, I found out that my wife cancelled her credit card as she had gotten into debt. I asked her how bad it was, and she said it was nothing she couldn’t handle. I shrugged and thought nothing more of it—it was, after all, her money. Or so I thought.
A year later, we received a letter informing us that our bank was turning over the debt, which had gone unpaid, to a collection agency. That was the only time I became aware we had a problem, and by the time we got to talking about it, the debt had ballooned to nearly three times its original size.
While we eventually paid off the credit card together, my takeaway from this is that, as a married couple, major financial problems were best handled together rather than apart. While some people disliked talking about money even with their loved ones, the truth is that in a marriage, your money decisions affect your whole family.
On the other hand, pooling all your money together seems to deny your independence and personal needs, and could fuel marital conflict. So where does one draw the line? Does tying the knot mean marrying your finances together, or does it make more sense to keep them separate?
Successful Savings: techniques that help you keep your money
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Do you find it difficult to save?
If yes, you’re not alone. The latest survey of the BSP indicate that less than 25% of the Philippine population has any savings at all, even for emergency purposes. Limited income and poor spending habits both factor in, but the rest of the survey reveals something more: a staggering 40% of those who save just keep their savings at home, instead of putting it anywhere that nets interest. Which leaves the financial future of many in serious doubt.
Given that it isn’t easy to save, how do you make it work? Aren’t there ways to help you keep what you earn and make it stay longer with you?
1. Define your goal
All financial experts agree that for savings to get anywhere, you must set a target. This goal provides direction and milestones that will show you that you’re making progress.
I recommend the following financial milestones, in this order:
• 6 months worth of emergency savings. In the event you’re unable to work, this may help you keep a comfortable lifestyle long enough to get back on your feet.
• Health and Life Insurance. Famous journalist Roger Ebert once said, before he died of cancer, that “nothing cures wealth like illness.” You are your own greatest asset, so it stands to reason you should protect yourself first, ahead of your own car or house.
• Medium-to-long term savings. This is for retirement and pension. Your later days may mean less work on your part and thus less income. Your savings now determine your quality of life later on.
Also read: Check it here!
2. Understand compound interest
This is best illustrated by an example: a can of soft drink may cost an average of P25. If you didn’t buy that can and instead placed P25 in a UITF or mutual fund with 10% interest, after 20 years you would have P168.
That’s a tiny amount of money, you might think—BUT consider that a regular person will actually buy soft drinks or similar products several times a week. If you bought a can every other day, you may end up buying 4 times a week, or 16 times a month. Now take that amount (P400 a month) and imagine paying that monthly to the same fund for the next 20 years. If you do, you would end up with P274,920!
That’s the power of compound interest: your money builds interest on the interest of the years that came before it. Every peso you set aside will work very hard, even while you sleep, to grow and give you a good return.
Of course, it works both ways. If you DON’T save the P400 a month and spend it on frivolous things, you actually take away its future value to you. This is called opportunity cost, and the cost of not saving your P400 a month at 10% interest is P274,920, in 20 years’ time.
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3. Set aside savings ASAP
Get your monthly income from all sources. Then tabulate all your regular monthly expenses and subtract them from your income. Then the crucial part: make savings a priority expense on your budget. That means you put away cash for savings ahead of everything else. This means that once you get your salary you immediately set aside the money as soon as you get it. Make this your rule: at least 10-20% of your income goes into savings. You can do more if you like.
If your cashflow cannot accommodate savings and you can't pare down your expenses to help it, then you will need to find ways to increase your income. Thankfully, modern times has made it easier to find means of augmenting your cashflow. One may takes sales as a sideline, or market their skills on freelance sites, or open up an SME (Small-to-medium enterprise). It depends on what your skills are.
However, just because you have more money, doesn’t mean you’ll save more. Usually the opposite is true: you’ll spend more. The mind wants what it wants when it wants it, and usually it wants immediate gratification. Again, you must train yourself to make savings a priority if you don't want your new income to go up in smoke.
4. Let savings grow as income grows
Don't keep it a steady amount but a percentage of your income—10 to 20% of what you earn. This is doable even if your income is irregular, as is the case with commissions. Whatever income stream you use, abide by this rule. Set aside the right amount according to what you earn.
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5. Keep your savings out of easy reach
The closer your money is to your wallet, the sooner you will spend it. If the bulk of your savings is in the ATM, you don't have to wonder why your account reaches zero whenever you're hungry or feeling the need for new clothes. Out of sight, out of mind; keep your emergency savings in a time deposit or a fund that isn’t easy to withdraw from.
6. Automate your savings
One of the best ways to ensure savings is to take willpower out of the equation—by using a system where money is automatically debited from your account and placed in savings. If your company offers retirement plans, then they’re doing this for you, pre-taxed. But even if you’re not among the lucky few with this system, don’t despair. You can set up your own where money is automatically debited from your account and stashed away for you. Banks and some financial institutions offer such a service.
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Introduction To Commercial Paper
The world of fixed-income securities can be divided into two main
categories. The capital markets consist of securities with maturities of
more than 270 days, while the money market comprises all fixed-income instruments
that mature in 270 days or fewer. Commercial paper falls into the
latter category and is a common fixture in many money market mutual
funds. This short-term instrument can be a viable alternative for retail
fixed-income investors who are looking for a better rate of return on
their money.
Basic Characteristics
Commercial paper is an unsecured form of promissory note that pays a fixed rate of interest. It is typically issued by large banks or corporations to cover short-term receivables and meet short-term financial obligations, such as funding for a new project. As with any other type of bond or debt instrument, the issuing entity offers the paper assuming that it will be in a position to pay both interest and principal by maturity. It is seldom used as a funding vehicle for longer-term obligations because other alternatives are better suited for that purpose.
Commercial paper provides a convenient financing method because it allows issuers to avoid the hurdles and expense of applying for and securing continuous business loans, and the SEC does not require securities that trade in the money market to be registered. It is usually offered at a discount with maturities that can range from one to 270 days, although most issues mature in one to six months.
History of Commercial Paper
Commercial paper was first introduced over 100 years ago, when New York merchants began to sell their short-term obligations to dealers that acted as middlemen. These dealers would purchase the notes at a discount from their par value and then pass them on to banks or other investors. The borrower would then repay the investor an amount equal to the par value of the note.
Marcus Goldman of Goldman Sachs was the first dealer in the money market to purchase commercial paper, and his company became one of the biggest commercial paper dealers in America following the Civil War. The Federal Reserve also began trading commercial paper along with treasury bills from that time until World War II to raise or lower the level of monetary reserves circulating among banks.
After the war, commercial paper began to be issued by a growing number of companies, and eventually it became the premier debt instrument in the money market. Much of this growth was facilitated by the rise of the consumer credit industry, as many credit card issuers would provide cardholder facilities and services to merchants using money generated from commercial paper. The card issuers would then purchase the receivables placed on the cards by customers from these merchants (and make a substantial profit on the spread). A debate raged in the 1980s about whether banks were violating the Banking Act of 1933 by underwriting commercial paper, since it is not classified as a bond by the SEC. Today commercial paper stands as the chief source of short-term financing for investment-grade issuers along with commercial loans and is still used extensively in the credit card industry.
Commercial Paper Markets
Commercial paper has traditionally been issued and traded among institutions in denominations of $100,000, with notes exceeding this amount available in $1,000 increments. Financial conglomerates such as investment firms, banks and mutual funds have historically been the chief buyers in this market, and a limited secondary market for this paper exists within the banking industry.
Wealthy individual investors have also historically been able to access commercial paper offerings through a private placement. The market took a severe hit when Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy in 2008, and new rules and restrictions on the type and amount of commercial paper that could be held inside money market mutual funds were instituted as a result. Nevertheless, these instruments are becoming increasingly available to retail investors through online outlets sponsored by financial subsidiaries.
Commercial paper usually pays a higher rate of interest than guaranteed instruments, and the rates tend to rise along with national economic growth. Some financial institutions even allow their customers to write checks and make transfers online with commercial paper fund accounts in the same manner as a cash or money market account. However, investors need to be aware that these notes are not FDIC-insured. They are backed solely by the financial strength of the issuer in the same manner as any other type of corporate bond or debenture. Standard &Poor’s and Moody’s both rate commercial paper on a regular basis using the same rating system as for corporate bonds, with AAA and Aaa being their highest respective ratings. As with any other type of debt investment, commercial paper offerings with lower ratings pay correspondingly higher rates of interest. But there is no junk market available, as commercial paper can only be offered by investment-grade companies.
Rates and Pricing
The Federal Reserve Board posts the current rates being paid by commercial paper on its website. The FRB also publishes the rates of AA-rated financial and non-financial commercial paper in its H.15 Statistical Release every Monday at 2:30pm. The data used for this publication are taken from the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), and the rates are calculated based on the estimated relationship between the coupon rates of new issues and their maturities. Additional information on rates and trading volumes is available each day for the previous day’s activity. Figures for each outstanding commercial paper issue are also available at the close of business every Wednesday and on the last business day of every month.
The Bottom Line
Commercial paper is becoming increasingly available to retail investors from many outlets. Those who seek higher yields will likely find these instruments appealing due to their superior returns with modest risk. For more information on commercial paper, contact your financial advisor or visit the Federal Reserve Board website at
Basic Characteristics
Commercial paper is an unsecured form of promissory note that pays a fixed rate of interest. It is typically issued by large banks or corporations to cover short-term receivables and meet short-term financial obligations, such as funding for a new project. As with any other type of bond or debt instrument, the issuing entity offers the paper assuming that it will be in a position to pay both interest and principal by maturity. It is seldom used as a funding vehicle for longer-term obligations because other alternatives are better suited for that purpose.
Commercial paper provides a convenient financing method because it allows issuers to avoid the hurdles and expense of applying for and securing continuous business loans, and the SEC does not require securities that trade in the money market to be registered. It is usually offered at a discount with maturities that can range from one to 270 days, although most issues mature in one to six months.
History of Commercial Paper
Commercial paper was first introduced over 100 years ago, when New York merchants began to sell their short-term obligations to dealers that acted as middlemen. These dealers would purchase the notes at a discount from their par value and then pass them on to banks or other investors. The borrower would then repay the investor an amount equal to the par value of the note.
Marcus Goldman of Goldman Sachs was the first dealer in the money market to purchase commercial paper, and his company became one of the biggest commercial paper dealers in America following the Civil War. The Federal Reserve also began trading commercial paper along with treasury bills from that time until World War II to raise or lower the level of monetary reserves circulating among banks.
After the war, commercial paper began to be issued by a growing number of companies, and eventually it became the premier debt instrument in the money market. Much of this growth was facilitated by the rise of the consumer credit industry, as many credit card issuers would provide cardholder facilities and services to merchants using money generated from commercial paper. The card issuers would then purchase the receivables placed on the cards by customers from these merchants (and make a substantial profit on the spread). A debate raged in the 1980s about whether banks were violating the Banking Act of 1933 by underwriting commercial paper, since it is not classified as a bond by the SEC. Today commercial paper stands as the chief source of short-term financing for investment-grade issuers along with commercial loans and is still used extensively in the credit card industry.
Commercial Paper Markets
Commercial paper has traditionally been issued and traded among institutions in denominations of $100,000, with notes exceeding this amount available in $1,000 increments. Financial conglomerates such as investment firms, banks and mutual funds have historically been the chief buyers in this market, and a limited secondary market for this paper exists within the banking industry.
Wealthy individual investors have also historically been able to access commercial paper offerings through a private placement. The market took a severe hit when Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy in 2008, and new rules and restrictions on the type and amount of commercial paper that could be held inside money market mutual funds were instituted as a result. Nevertheless, these instruments are becoming increasingly available to retail investors through online outlets sponsored by financial subsidiaries.
Commercial paper usually pays a higher rate of interest than guaranteed instruments, and the rates tend to rise along with national economic growth. Some financial institutions even allow their customers to write checks and make transfers online with commercial paper fund accounts in the same manner as a cash or money market account. However, investors need to be aware that these notes are not FDIC-insured. They are backed solely by the financial strength of the issuer in the same manner as any other type of corporate bond or debenture. Standard &Poor’s and Moody’s both rate commercial paper on a regular basis using the same rating system as for corporate bonds, with AAA and Aaa being their highest respective ratings. As with any other type of debt investment, commercial paper offerings with lower ratings pay correspondingly higher rates of interest. But there is no junk market available, as commercial paper can only be offered by investment-grade companies.
Rates and Pricing
The Federal Reserve Board posts the current rates being paid by commercial paper on its website. The FRB also publishes the rates of AA-rated financial and non-financial commercial paper in its H.15 Statistical Release every Monday at 2:30pm. The data used for this publication are taken from the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), and the rates are calculated based on the estimated relationship between the coupon rates of new issues and their maturities. Additional information on rates and trading volumes is available each day for the previous day’s activity. Figures for each outstanding commercial paper issue are also available at the close of business every Wednesday and on the last business day of every month.
The Bottom Line
Commercial paper is becoming increasingly available to retail investors from many outlets. Those who seek higher yields will likely find these instruments appealing due to their superior returns with modest risk. For more information on commercial paper, contact your financial advisor or visit the Federal Reserve Board website at
Warrants And Call Options
Warrants and call options are securities that are quite
similar in many respects, but they also have some notable differences. A
warrant is a security that gives the holder the right, but not the
obligation, to buy a common share directly from the company at a fixed
price for a pre-defined time period. Similar to a warrant, a call option
(or “call”) also gives the holder the right, without the obligation, to
buy a common share at a set price for a defined time period. So what
are the differences between these two?
Difference Between Warrants and Call Options
Three major differences between warrants and call options are:
Difference Between Warrants and Call Options
Three major differences between warrants and call options are:
- Issuer: Warrants are issued by a specific company, while exchange-traded options are issued by an options exchange such as the Chicago Board Options Exchange in the U.S. or the Montreal Exchange in Canada. As a result, warrants have few standardized features, while exchange-traded options are more standardized in certain aspects such as expiration periods and the number of shares per option contract (typically 100).
- Maturity: Warrants usually have longer maturity periods than options. While warrants generally expire in one to two years, and can sometimes have maturities well in excess of five years, call options have maturities ranging from a few weeks or months to about a year or two, although the longer-dated options are likely to be quite illiquid.
- Dilution: Warrants cause dilution because a company is obligated to issue new stock when a warrant is exercised. Exercising a call option does not involve issuing new stock, since a call option is a derivative instrument on an existing common share of the company.
Warrants are typically included as a “sweetener” for an equity or debt issue. Investors like warrants because they enable additional participation in the company’s growth. Companies include warrants in equity or debt issues because they can bring down the cost of financing and provide assurance of additional capital if the stock does well. Investors are more inclined to opt for a slightly lower interest rate on a bond financing if a warrant is attached, as compared with a straightforward bond financing.
Option exchanges issue exchange-traded options on stocks that fulfill certain criteria, such as share price, number of shares outstanding, average daily volume and share distribution. Exchanges issue options on such “optionable” stocks to facilitate hedging and speculation by investors and traders.
The basic attributes of a warrant and call are the same, such as:
- Strike price or exercise price – the price at which the warrant or option buyer has the right to buy the underlying asset. “Exercise price” is the preferred term with reference to warrants.
- Maturity or expiration – The finite time period during which the warrant or option can be exercised.
- Option price or premium – The price at which the warrant or option trades in the market.
A call option trades in a very similar manner. A call option with a strike price of $12.50 on a stock that trades at $12 and expires in one month will see its price fluctuate in line with the underlying stock. If the stock trades at $13.50 just before option expiry, the call will be worth at least $1. Conversely, if the stock trades at or below $12.50 on the call’s expiry date, the option will expire worthless.
Intrinsic Value and Time Value
While the same variables affect the value of a warrant and a call option, a couple of extra quirks affect warrant pricing. But first, let’s understand the two basic components of value for a warrant and a call – intrinsic value and time value.
Intrinsic value for a warrant or call is the difference between the price of the underlying stock and the exercise or strike price. The intrinsic value can be zero, but it can never be negative. For example, if a stock trades at $10 and the strike price of a call on it is $8, the intrinsic value of the call is $2. If the stock is trading at $7, the intrinsic value of this call is zero.
Time value is the difference between the price of the call or warrant and its intrinsic value. Extending the above example of a stock trading at $10, if the price of an $8 call on it is $2.50, its intrinsic value is $2 and its time value is 50 cents. The value of an option with zero intrinsic value is made up entirely of time value. Time value represents the possibility of the stock trading above the strike price by option expiry.
Factors that influence the value of a call or warrant are:
- Underlying stock price – The higher the stock price, the higher the price or value of the call or warrant.
- Strike price or exercise price – The lower the strike or exercise price, the higher the value of the call or warrant. Why? Because any rational investor would pay more for the right to buy an asset at a lower price than a higher price.
- Time to expiry – The longer the time to expiry, the pricier the call or warrant.
- Implied volatility – The higher the volatility, the more expensive the call or warrant. This is because a call has a greater probability of being profitable if the underlying stock is more volatile than if it exhibits very little volatility.
- Risk-free interest rate – The higher the interest rate, the more expensive the warrant or call.
Warrant pricing is slightly different because it has to take into account the dilution aspect mentioned earlier, as well as its “gearing". Gearing is the ratio of the stock price to the warrant price and represents the leverage that the warrant offers. The warrant's value is directly proportional to its gearing.
The dilution feature makes a warrant slightly cheaper than an identical call option, by a factor of (n / n+w), where n is the number of shares outstanding, and w represents the number of warrants. Consider a stock with 1 million shares and 100,000 warrants outstanding. If a call on this stock is trading at $1, a similar warrant (with the same expiration and strike price) on it would be priced at about 91 cents.
The biggest benefit to retail investors of using warrants and calls is that they offer unlimited profit potential while restricting the possible loss to the amount invested. The other major advantage is their leverage.
Their biggest drawbacks are that unlike the underlying stock, they have a finite life and are ineligible for dividend payments.
Consider an investor who has a high tolerance for risk and $2,000 to invest. This investor has a choice between investing in a stock trading at $4, or investing in a warrant on the same stock with a strike price of $5. The warrant expires in one year and is currently priced at 50 cents. The investor is very bullish on the stock, and for maximum leverage decides to invest solely in the warrants. She therefore buys 4,000 warrants on the stock. If the stock appreciates to $7 after about a year (i.e. just before the warrants expire), the warrants would be worth $2 each. The warrants would be altogether worth about $8,000, representing a $6,000 gain or 300% on the original investment. If the investor had chosen to invest in the stock instead, her return would only have been $1,500 or 75% on the original investment.
Of course, if the stock had closed at $4.50 just before the warrants expired, the investor would have lost 100% of her $2,000 initial investment in the warrants, as opposed to a 12.5% gain if she had invested in the stock instead.
Warrants are very popular in certain markets such as Canada and Hong Kong. In Canada, for instance, it is common practice for junior resource companies that are raising funds for exploration to do so through the sale of units. Each such unit generally comprises one common stock bundled together with one-half of a warrant, which means that two warrants are required to buy one additional common share. (Note that multiple warrants are often needed to acquire a stock at the exercise price.) These companies also offer “broker warrants” to their underwriters, in addition to cash commissions, as part of the compensation structure.
While warrants and calls offer significant benefits to investors, as derivative instruments they are not without their risks. Investors should therefore understand these versatile instruments thoroughly before venturing to use them in their portfolios.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Citing danger, PMA urges e-cigarettes ban
Manila, Philippines -- The Philippine Medical
Association (PMA) yesterday asked President Benigno S. Aquino III to ban
the sale of electronic cigarettes in the Philippines amid the recent
warning issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) that the so-called
nicotine replacement therapy given by e-cigs has been proven unsafe for
PMA President Dr. Leo Olarte urged the President to direct Department
of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Manuel ''Mar''
Roxas II to seriously study the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Advisory 2013-008 and FDA Advisory 2013-015 and finally ban the sale of
electronic cigarettes in the Philippines.He cited the warning issued by WHO Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) and Mental Health Cluster Assistant Director General Ala Alwan that electronic cigarettes are not considered as legitimate therapy to stop smoking addiction.
''We urgently appeal to President Benigno S. Aquino III and his government to immediately address this new but clear and present danger of electronic cigarettes to the health of the nation most especially our children. Our young ones can easily be enticed and duped into smoking by these novelty devices,'' Olarte said in a statement.
According to Olarte, the use of e-cigs is not an ''alternative lifestyle'' as claimed by its proponents and promoters but is actually a new and an ''alternative vice'' which should not be taught to the public in general and children in particular.
Alwan earlier stated that ''e-cigs marketers and propagandists should immediately remove from their advertisements and websites any suggestion that the WHO considers electronic cigarettes to be safe and an effective smoking cessation aid because this is untrue.''
Olarte, who is both a medical doctor and a practicing lawyer, asked the Aquino administration to act on this crucial issue and post a ban on its sale because it is contrary to the intent and provisions of the law (Republic Act 9211) which was crafted to protect everybody, most specifically the youth, from nicotine addiction and myriad of ailments like chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases that can kill.
Saturday, 13 July 2013
How to manage and eliminate debt
People get into debt for many reasons: to finance a house, to pay for
necessary expenses, to obtain luxuries, and so on. Whether these reasons
are good or bad, no one wants to stay in debt for the rest of their
Gathering advice from people who were in deep and made their way out, here are some steps to take if you want to manage your loans and wipe out your debt.
Take stock of everything you owe. Managing and removing debt requires two things: planning and massive action. Unpleasant as it may sound, you can’t get to the second without doing the first. And the first step to planning is to look at the problem.
Sit down and make a list of all your loans, including your balance and interest monthly payments. Arrange them from highest to lowest interest rate. Now that you can see the length and depth of the situation, you can form a plan to attack it.
It will also help to talk with your family members, especially if they are your co-makers. Sit down with them and explain the situation and get them to support you. Even if the support is just moral in nature, it’s easier to climb out of debt if you have people in your corner.
Also read: Click Here!
Don’t add to your existing debt. It’s amazing how many people skip this part, so it bears mentioning. For the same reason you don’t fight a war in two fronts, you don’t pile more even debt on top of what you already have particularly if it’s an alarming amount.
So first, attack the problem at its source: cut up your maxed-out and extra credit cards, cancel your subscriptions, seek professional help if you must, but please don’t dig yourself any deeper into debt than you are now.
Also read: Click Here!
If possible, consolidate your debt. This means paying off the highest-interest debts by using low-interest ones. If you have a loan with 10% interest, see if you can pay it off by borrowing from one that has 4% or less. Not only do you save in interest payments, you reduce the pressure on yourself by lowering the number of people or institutions you owe.
Make debt servicing part of your budget. If you haven’t done so, build a monthly budget by tracking all your income and expenses. From here you can tell what spending you can cut back on to help pay off your loan faster.
You must get creative in lowering expenses, because every little bit of money can get you out of the red sooner. If you’re unable to lower expenses, look for extra means of income or sell off some things you own.
Once you’re organized, add your loan payments as part of your expenses, prioritizing the one with the heaviest interest rate. Once you have paid that off, move on to the next, then to the next, until you are completely free and clear. Each debt you strike out gives you a sense of accomplishment and progress and will spur you on to your final goal of zero liabilities.
Also read: Click Here!
Pay debt more often. In fact, pay it twice a month. This may sound strange, but it’s a powerful system you can use to end long-term debts (like mortgages) faster and save yourself a LOT of money. It’s a shame that few actually practice it. Here’s how it works: if you’re paying P10,000 a month for your debt, instead of paying it once a month, pay P5,000 every two weeks. By doing so, you are lowering your principal much quicker, because you’re making an extra month’s payment every year (that is, 26 bi-weekly payments or 13 full-month payments each year).
Here an illustration: If you borrowed P2.5M at 8% interest to buy a house and pay it over a period of 30 years, you’ll wind up with a little over P4.1M in interest payments. However, if you did the bi-weekly system, you would end with only P2.91M in interest payments instead. You save over P1.19M and get your house debt-free a few years ahead of schedule!
One final note: don’t misuse loans. Pay in cash for wants and luxuries, save up for large expenses, and think very hard before taking a loan or using credit. Debt is negative income; it slows down your capacity to earn. It’s a powerful tool if you use it to buy things that gain value over time, like real estate and education. Otherwise, you’ll just be earning for someone else.
Gathering advice from people who were in deep and made their way out, here are some steps to take if you want to manage your loans and wipe out your debt.
Take stock of everything you owe. Managing and removing debt requires two things: planning and massive action. Unpleasant as it may sound, you can’t get to the second without doing the first. And the first step to planning is to look at the problem.
Sit down and make a list of all your loans, including your balance and interest monthly payments. Arrange them from highest to lowest interest rate. Now that you can see the length and depth of the situation, you can form a plan to attack it.
It will also help to talk with your family members, especially if they are your co-makers. Sit down with them and explain the situation and get them to support you. Even if the support is just moral in nature, it’s easier to climb out of debt if you have people in your corner.
Also read: Click Here!
Don’t add to your existing debt. It’s amazing how many people skip this part, so it bears mentioning. For the same reason you don’t fight a war in two fronts, you don’t pile more even debt on top of what you already have particularly if it’s an alarming amount.
So first, attack the problem at its source: cut up your maxed-out and extra credit cards, cancel your subscriptions, seek professional help if you must, but please don’t dig yourself any deeper into debt than you are now.
Also read: Click Here!
If possible, consolidate your debt. This means paying off the highest-interest debts by using low-interest ones. If you have a loan with 10% interest, see if you can pay it off by borrowing from one that has 4% or less. Not only do you save in interest payments, you reduce the pressure on yourself by lowering the number of people or institutions you owe.
Make debt servicing part of your budget. If you haven’t done so, build a monthly budget by tracking all your income and expenses. From here you can tell what spending you can cut back on to help pay off your loan faster.
You must get creative in lowering expenses, because every little bit of money can get you out of the red sooner. If you’re unable to lower expenses, look for extra means of income or sell off some things you own.
Once you’re organized, add your loan payments as part of your expenses, prioritizing the one with the heaviest interest rate. Once you have paid that off, move on to the next, then to the next, until you are completely free and clear. Each debt you strike out gives you a sense of accomplishment and progress and will spur you on to your final goal of zero liabilities.
Also read: Click Here!
Pay debt more often. In fact, pay it twice a month. This may sound strange, but it’s a powerful system you can use to end long-term debts (like mortgages) faster and save yourself a LOT of money. It’s a shame that few actually practice it. Here’s how it works: if you’re paying P10,000 a month for your debt, instead of paying it once a month, pay P5,000 every two weeks. By doing so, you are lowering your principal much quicker, because you’re making an extra month’s payment every year (that is, 26 bi-weekly payments or 13 full-month payments each year).
Here an illustration: If you borrowed P2.5M at 8% interest to buy a house and pay it over a period of 30 years, you’ll wind up with a little over P4.1M in interest payments. However, if you did the bi-weekly system, you would end with only P2.91M in interest payments instead. You save over P1.19M and get your house debt-free a few years ahead of schedule!
One final note: don’t misuse loans. Pay in cash for wants and luxuries, save up for large expenses, and think very hard before taking a loan or using credit. Debt is negative income; it slows down your capacity to earn. It’s a powerful tool if you use it to buy things that gain value over time, like real estate and education. Otherwise, you’ll just be earning for someone else.
Getting past bad money habits
Last year, a Filipino named Dionie Reyes made big news
when he won P14M from the PCSO jackpot draw back in April 2008—and lost
it all in just three months. He apparently spent all his money on an
expensive house, an SUV, vices, and lavish cash gifts to friends and
family. In the end, he was in debt for P500,000.
This story is not common—many people all over the world who experience a windfall of cash wind up losing all their money. Could it just be bad luck? Or does it have something to do with their habits around money?
Lifestyle inflation
Take time to ask yourself these questions. One: when you make a lot of money, do you immediately come up with ways to spend it all? Two: are you trying to keep up with someone else’s lifestyle, or the lifestyle that media portrays “you should be living right NOW?” Three: is what you buy never enough and must you continually catch up with the latest model/fashion/trend? Four: Are you living from one paycheck to the other, with little to no savings in between?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, it’s likely you’ve fallen under the habit of lifestyle inflation. And you’re not alone. So many people subscribe to this bad habit because it’s celebrated everywhere in media and our consumerist society.
This pervasive attitude makes us burn through our income very quickly, because no matter how much money we make, we spend exactly as much as we earn.
It’s not wrong to spend on necessary things. But the excessive spending caused by lifestyle inflation effectively kills wealth. It robs you of future income and keeps you hunting for jobs that can support your lifestyle. And when the day comes when you are either unable or unwilling to work, you’ll find there’s no more income to be had and you’ll still have the nagging urge to spend money.
Get past it: Cultivate the habit of paying yourself first: Whenever you make money, set aside a regular amount for savings. You may be tired of hearing that, but there’s a reason why people keep repeating it.
Why is saving paying yourself first? Imagine this: every time we get paid a wage, we don’t so much as make money as earmark it for other people. The government gets a cut from taxes. Then the electric, water, and cable companies get paid, followed swiftly by the telecoms, internet, transportation, supermarkets, even the tobacco and liquor companies. By the end you end up with nothing, or close to it.
So invert the equation. Pay yourself first by saving before you spend on anything else. This money you save will buy your future. Even if you are capable of setting aside only a few pesos a day, what you’re aiming for is to build the habit of saving and doing away with any unnecessary spending. Understand that when you do make a windfall of cash later on, you are NOT going to magically grow the habit of paying yourself first. Both good and bad habits are created over a period of time. So while your income is small, cultivate this practice. If you can be responsible for the small things, you can handle the big things as well.
This story is not common—many people all over the world who experience a windfall of cash wind up losing all their money. Could it just be bad luck? Or does it have something to do with their habits around money?
Lifestyle inflation
Take time to ask yourself these questions. One: when you make a lot of money, do you immediately come up with ways to spend it all? Two: are you trying to keep up with someone else’s lifestyle, or the lifestyle that media portrays “you should be living right NOW?” Three: is what you buy never enough and must you continually catch up with the latest model/fashion/trend? Four: Are you living from one paycheck to the other, with little to no savings in between?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, it’s likely you’ve fallen under the habit of lifestyle inflation. And you’re not alone. So many people subscribe to this bad habit because it’s celebrated everywhere in media and our consumerist society.
This pervasive attitude makes us burn through our income very quickly, because no matter how much money we make, we spend exactly as much as we earn.
It’s not wrong to spend on necessary things. But the excessive spending caused by lifestyle inflation effectively kills wealth. It robs you of future income and keeps you hunting for jobs that can support your lifestyle. And when the day comes when you are either unable or unwilling to work, you’ll find there’s no more income to be had and you’ll still have the nagging urge to spend money.
Get past it: Cultivate the habit of paying yourself first: Whenever you make money, set aside a regular amount for savings. You may be tired of hearing that, but there’s a reason why people keep repeating it.
Why is saving paying yourself first? Imagine this: every time we get paid a wage, we don’t so much as make money as earmark it for other people. The government gets a cut from taxes. Then the electric, water, and cable companies get paid, followed swiftly by the telecoms, internet, transportation, supermarkets, even the tobacco and liquor companies. By the end you end up with nothing, or close to it.
So invert the equation. Pay yourself first by saving before you spend on anything else. This money you save will buy your future. Even if you are capable of setting aside only a few pesos a day, what you’re aiming for is to build the habit of saving and doing away with any unnecessary spending. Understand that when you do make a windfall of cash later on, you are NOT going to magically grow the habit of paying yourself first. Both good and bad habits are created over a period of time. So while your income is small, cultivate this practice. If you can be responsible for the small things, you can handle the big things as well.
How NOT to get sick during the rainy season
With diarrhea, dengue, respiratory tract infections and leptospirosis on the rise during rainy season, it pays to know what to do to avoid some of the season’s most common illnesses.
1. Clean hands save lives. Frequent hand washing
is the single, most effective way to prevent spread of disease. Wash
hands with soap and clean, flowing water. If these are not available,
use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Rub the hands for at
least 20 seconds or simply sing "Happy Birthday" two times.Wash your hands during these times:
- Before, during and after preparing food·
- Before and after caring for someone who is sick
- Before and after treating a cut or wound
- After using the toilet
- After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
- After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
- After touching animals or animal waste
- After handling pet food or pet treats
- After touching garbage
2. Be prepared with the right rain gear. Bring an umbrella, jacket or even keep a pair of rain boots in your locker.
3. Regularly check your surroundings. Make sure there are no containers with stagnant water and sweep out canals and gutters.
READ: Click Here!
4. Go outdoors every chance you get. Breathe in some fresh, clean air. Open windows and doors at least once a day to air out rooms. Avoid crowded and poorly ventilated places.
5. Minimize contact with people who are sick.
RELATED: Click Here!
6. Drink only safe water. If you are unsure of the source of the water, bring it to a rolling boil for 1 full minute to eliminate contaminants.
7. Avoid eating street food.
READ: Click Here!
8. Cover your mouth when you sneeze or when you cough, preferably with a tissue paper which you should discard immediately. A handkerchief can harbor viruses and bacteria.
9. Avoid walking in floodwaters. If you have no choice, wash the exposed skin with water and soap followed by alcohol. Take a prophylactic dose of Doxycycline.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Naked 'Project Runway' Billboard Banned in Los Angeles (Photo)
Project Runway might be all about fashion, but in new key art for the show, the focus is on what the models are not wearing.
Lifetime released the season 12 promotional artwork on Tuesday featuring host/judge Heidi Klum and mentor Tim Gunn in what appears to be royal attire. The two are seen lording over a group of completely nude models posing as their subjects.PHOTOS: From Adam Levine to Miley Cyrus, Hollywood's Most Daring Magazine Nudity
The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that a new billboard featuring the image will not be on display in Los Angeles after TooFab reported that the image had been banned in the city for being too racy. Lifetime had no comment.
It's not the first racy key art for the fashion-design competition. For season nine, Klum posed for a poster wearing nothing but a snipped-off tie while holding a pair of scissors. For season 10, the supermodel donned lingerie and heels while lounging atop hundreds of pairs of scissors.
PHOTOS: 'Project Runway' Season 12: Meet the Designers
Another Lifetime star,The Client List's Jennifer Love Hewitt, revealed on Conan in May that she had to tone her own show's billboards down for the second season. The first season art featured a full-body shot Hewitt in lingerie, while the second season artwork featured her cut off at the chest.
"It was a bit of a scandal with the first billboards," she admitted.
Project Runway returns at 9 p.m. July 18.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
The No-Makeup Look
Step 1: Moisturize
The most basic step women usually take
for granted is putting on moisturizer. Aside from protecting skin from
makeup and pollution, you also create a smooth canvas for your makeup
application. Using a moisturizing cream gives your face a dewy effect.
Choose one with SPF to protect skin from the UV rays of the sun.
Step 2: Conceal
Keep those dark undereye circles a secret
and don’t forget to cover unwanted blemishes. Gently dab and blend
concealer for a smooth finish. Remember, just cover uneven spots and not
the whole area as it will bring more attention to it.
The No-Makeup Look
Step 3: Powder
Solve the annoying problem of having
visible pores and a shiny face. Make skin appear flawless and silky with
a face powder that’s closest to your skintone. Using a powder brush,
apply powder lightly all over the face. Dust along the jawline and neck
for an even application.
Step 4: Blush
Give your cheeks a subtle flush of color.
Applying powder blush from the apple of the cheek to the hairline should
be in light strokes to avoid harsh streaks of blush. Also, try using a
cheek stain or cream blush for a more natural glow. When choosing a
blush shade, consider your skin undertone to complement your skintone.
Most Filipinos have warm skin undertones; earth shades like brown and
peach work well with morena skin.
Step 5: Lipstick
Color those lips with neutral shades of
lipstick or a shade darker than your lip color. Instead of using bold
colors, another way of enhancing the lips is to top it off with a sheer
Monday, 24 June 2013
Rainproof Workouts
Make a Personal Appearance
Before you send off that quick
email to your office mate regarding next week’s staff meeting, why don’t
you go over to his or her cubicle and tell them yourself? Getting out
of your chair and walking a few extra steps, even if it’s just a few
meters away, makes a difference and counts as part of the 10,000 steps
you need to do in a day anyway. While you’re at it, skip the elevator
and try using the stairs. If you work at the top floor of a sky scraper,
then at least walk a few flights before punching the “up” button.
Going up manually strengthens your quadriceps, as well as improves blood
Now while these mentioned activities can’t measure up
to calories burned from running or spinning, they at least burn more
than you would sitting at your office desk or watching TV at home.
Kitchen Calisthenics
founder Sadie Lincoln understands how women can be too busy to make it
to a barre3 class, so she created a home version of the total body
workout, called Here, her signature toning, lifting, and
shaping classes—normally practiced in a studio with a ballet barre,
weights, and a resistance ball—are available on video, and each exercise
move is designed for you to do in the comfort of your own home. Your
kitchen counter can replace the ballet barre, and 500ml water bottles
can serve as your dumbbells!
Rainproof Workouts
Hitting the Wall
may be
a dreaded phrase when it comes to marathon running, but when it comes
to exercising indoors, these three words can only mean one thing: great
resistance training. Especially if you’re still building strength to do
full pushups on the floor, pressing against the wall helps develop your
chest muscles without straining your back. Lower leg muscles can get
toned and strengthened when you press your back against the wall and
bend your knees, as if sitting on a chair.
Office Yoga
Sitting in front of the computer all day at
work can cause job-related body strains in the wrists, hands, neck,
shoulders, and hips. If you can’t make it to your regular yoga class,
there’s no reason to throw in the towel and not practice at all.’s
specially produced series of videos designed for the working set helps
you de-stress, improve circulation, and improve your posture over 15
days. Try it over lunch break with your officemates!
Cleaning Up—Zumba Style
House chores can be monotonous,
but blasting your favorite dance music up to full volume while mopping
the floor, scrubbing the sink, or wiping the walls turns these dreaded
“have-to” tasks in to fun “want-to” activities!
low-cost tricks to a more organized desk
Use magnets
Make use of anything metal that’s close to your desk. A cubicle wall,
metal drawer handles, even metal screws can help you out here. You can
directly post documents on these using magnets. You could also use
magnetic bars to create a metal corkboard.
Low-cost trick to try: Using bigger magnets, you can suspend metal cases on your wall to create make-shift wall pockets for your stuff.
Label everything
One of the cheapest ways to organize those files? Label them! It can be
something as simple as writing on the folders or putting a color-coded
page mark to help you keep track. But labels do not just work on your
files. They also help you organize the plugs of your computer or your
CDs and flash drives.
Low-cost trick to try: If you don’t want to use stickers for
labels, write your labels on recycled folders or card paper, punch out a
hole in each label, thread some yarn or recycled ribbon through the
holes, and tie these DIY labels onto the items in need of labelling.
Color-code it
Another thing that works for a lot of people is color coding. Color-code
your files for faster recall. You can do this using a variety of things
that come in different colors: folders, paper clips, stickers,
post-its, ink. For instance, you can assign a color to your boss or, if
you’re still in school, assign a color to each subject.
Low-cost trick to try:With marking pens, colored tape, or even
crayons, mark those foldable colorful cardboard magazine holders to go
with your system. Then place all corresponding files in the appropriate
Use a clutter basket
Things that don’t belong on your desk somehow pile up quickly ON your
desk: magazines, kids’ toys (if you’re a parent), CDs, expired invites,
etc. So have a basket or any container close by and, throughout the day,
toss in that container anything you find on your desk that belongs
somewhere else in your house or office. Before you wrap up for the day,
spend five minutes emptying that basket by putting the contents back
where they belong.
Low-cost trick to try: An old shoebox will also work perfectly. Wrap it in old magazine covers or a pretty gift wrapper if that’s your thing.
low-cost tricks to a more organized desk
Make drawer divisions
You don’t have to waste time looking for pins or staple wires buried
under bigger items inside your drawer. Keep those small items in one
permanent place by dividing your drawer into smaller sections.
Ready-made drawer dividers are available in department stores’ home
Low-cost trick to try: Use old mugs, recycled jam bottles, or ice
trays and line them up inside your drawer. You can also use closet
drawer dividers, those which were originally made to organize underwear
and socks.
Get all those cords and cables in line
Keep your computer cords in check with cable or cord organizers. There
are several different kinds in the market, depending on your needs. For
instance, if your problem is length, get the round ones that let you
wind up the cord. Another kind lets you stick the cords onto the wall
while another gathers all the cords in a bind, leaving out the plugs.
Low-cost trick to try: Use recycled cores of bathroom tissue or kitchen tissue to hold together cords.
Hang what you can
Free up precious surface area on your desk by using S-hooks. Hang these
hooks off the top of your office cubicle to give you extra “storage”
space. You can hang all sorts of things from S-hooks: headphones,
clamps, wire baskets and shelves, even paper clips!
Low-cost trick to try: If you do not have a cubicle to hang the
S-hook from, consider setting up a short curtain rod or a simple long
stick. Also try (unused) chopsticks: Put wayward rolls of tape through
the chopsticks, and suspend the chopsticks from S-hooks.
Put clutter in drawers
Another perfect organization tool is the mini chest of drawers that you
can place under your desk. Use this to store small items like your thumb
drives, cord ties, CDs, etc for easier but more organized access.
Low-cost trick to try: Do you have an old spice rack that’s just
gathering dust in your kitchen? That would be great storage for small
items on your desk that tend to get lost. If you prefer actual drawers,
SM Homeworld has plastic drawers that are small enough to fit under your
low-cost tricks to a more organized desk
Yes, your desk can be as clutter-free as this one! Let us help you out with these 10 cheap tricks that can do to turn your desk into one happy place.
String up reminders
Do you know how to keep track of all those bits of reminders floating
around in your head? Write them down and put them where you can see
them. Put a message holder on your desk to keep those reminders in one
Low-cost trick to try: One unique way to do this is to tie a
piece of string from one end of your desk to another. You can then hang
your reminders using paper clips or clamps on the string. Think
clothesline for your paper trail.
Put your corkboard to work
A corkboard, despite its rather dull appearance, is actually a very
useful organizing tool. Tacking important invites, receipts, and
reminders on your corkboard accomplishes two things: it frees up more
space on your desk, and it keeps those reminders within your line of
Low-cost trick to try: Divide the corkboard into different
sections. For instance, if you want to separate things that you need to
do today from those you can still do tomorrow, why not create three
sections: Today-Tomorrow-This week. There are a lot of other categories
you can make! It’s all up to you.
Tips for an Effortless Evening Look
Just like choosing just one statement piece
is key, our fashion-philes recommend choosing between which feature
exactly you want to play up when it comes to speedy glam makeup. "I
prefer a clean face but with red lips," shares accessories designer Aira
Franco. Perez agrees. "A smoky eye or a bold lip, doing both can look
like you've tried too hard," she adds. "If you're coming from the gym,
make sure not to pile on the foundation and just enhance your workout
glow with a highlighter like Benefit's High Beam," says Alyanna.
White night
Fashion designer Chris Diaz says that even a
white tailored shirt can go from corporate to cocktail. "Evening looks
don't need to be complicated. Opening a few buttons of your crisp, white
shirt, rolling up the cuffs and pulling up the collar gives it instant
oomph," he says. "Adding eye-catching bling helps you avoid that "came
from work" look, too," Diaz adds.
Tips for an Effortless Evening Look
Handheld haul
Nothing screams "straight from the office"
than carting around your huge tote. "Make sure to keep a dressy clutch
in your tote if you're going to go out," says Perez. "A small one that
can fit cash, a credit card, ID, blotting paper and lipstick should be
enough," says Gan.
High roller
"A pair of sexy heels does wonders for any
dress," shares Perez. Ruby Gan recommends either pointy pumps or
open-toed sandals, which goes well with most dress styles.
Tips for an Effortless Evening Look
Blazer glory
No time to change after work? Fashion
designer Mariane Perez recommends wearing a sexy shift dress to work and
topping it off with a blazer throughout the day. "It's party on the
inside, business on the outside. Look for a dress with a slim
silhouette, like a pencil skirt or shift," she says. Since you're still
coming from work, she recommends toning down the shiny details on the
dress and focusing on other embellishments instead. "A little bit of
flair, like clever draping or subtle embellishment will still look
work-appropriate. Look for sexy details like a dress cut low in the back
that can be concealed by your blazer while at work—-you can ditch the
blazer after," adds Perez.
State your piece
Our style experts have weighed in on
statement pieces and they all agree that accessories can spell the
difference between drab and fab. They're also unanimous in that the
statement piece should be just one versus piling on the bling. "Just one
statement piece: a necklace, earrings or a bracelet, but make sure your
accessory speaks volumes by itself," shares Love Chic fashion blogger
Shai Lagarde. "Accessorize your day-to-night dress with statement
accents but don't overload," warns Perez. "It's also good to go with a
nice pair of dangling earrings, they help frame your face," adds Shop
Manila Inc. COO Ruby Gan.
Tips for an Effortless Evening Look
Sleek and sophisticated
good ol' ponytail is the most reliable hairstyles around, and with good
reason. This versatile hairstyle can be functional (when at the gym) or
fashionable when done right. If you want your ponytail to look
party-ready, hairstylist Elaine Ganuelas recommends keeping it sleek.
"Definitely a clean, low ponytail or a really high one, the sleeker the
better," she says. To keep a ponytail looking sleek, brush back hair
into a ponytail and secure with an elastic. Lose the part and use a
styling product (we love the one from TRESemmé) to smooth away any frizz
and hair that sticks out from the ponytail.
Bring sexy black
"For fashion effortless, no matter how
cliché it may sound, you can never go wrong with a simple LBD," asserts
celebrity stylist Alyanna Martinez. Look for black dresses with
body-skimming silhouettes, embellished details or interesting fabrics.
How to Slim Down Without the Gym
Thought your skipping days were over? Think again. Skipping isn’t just
for eight-year-old girls. It's no coincidence that boxers, who are
arguably some of the fittest athletes around, regularly perform skipping
drills. Skipping is in fact a great exercise and there are lots of
benefits. To make sure that your rope is the correct length for your
height, stand on the middle of the rope and pull the handles upwards
until the rope is taut. The handles should line up with the middle of
your chest.
How to Slim Down Without the Gym
Grab your yoga mat and do some yoga poses three or four times a week.
Although it doesn’t feel very strenuous, yoga helps to sculpt your body
and helps you get slim without the gym. Some great moves that help to
tone include the Downward Dog Split and the Temple Pose. It may be best
to go to a yoga class or get a yoga DVD if you’re not sure what you are
doing, but remember the perfect pose we may see others doing might be a
long way from what our own body can currently achieve.
How to Slim Down Without the Gym
Eat before you train
When you have a gym membership you will often find yourself rushing to
the gym before or after work. You race there, have a workout and then
grab a quick shower before shooting off. What you probably won’t do
though is make enough time to eat before you go. This is important if
you want to slim down because eating an hour before exercise ensures
that you perform to full capacity during your training session and
therefore you will burn a greater amount of fat.
How to Slim Down Without the Gym
Stock up on the liquids
What do you do before a meal? Wash your hands and scout out a good TV
show to watch during your meal? Well, although we think you should
definitely still wash your hands before you eat, if you want to slim
without the gym you should also try having a light soup before eating.
This light course will help fill you up, yet is relatively low in
calories. Having soup before your main course will also help you to stop
yourself from overeating.
How to Slim Down Without the Gym
It is thought that the average woman burns 48,000 calories a year from
shopping alone; that works out at around 385 calories per week. If you
get that shopping-guilt almost all women feel when they wander into a
store then don’t panic. Just think the money you saved from the gym can
go towards this new dress or new pair of boots.
How to Slim Down Without the Gym
Fun equipment
Spending hours of your week silently running on a treadmill isn’t much
fun, but exercise doesn’t have to be like that. There are loads of fun
ways to work out. You could buy some gymnastics rings to work on your
upper body and your core. Or if the rings aren’t for you buy a hula hoop
to tone your waist area. If you get creative and have fun with your
exercise you’ll find that you will be more motivated to stick at it and
do more, which in turn will help you get slim and ditch the gym.
How to Slim Down Without the Gym
Have a treat in the week
When you’re super strict with yourself during the week it can be easy to
let the rules from the week slip when the weekend arrives. Studies have
found that this is true and that people who follow extremely healthy
diets during the week actually lose weight more slowly compared to those
who eat reasonably healthily all week. Therefore if you want to slim
without the gym, have a treat now and then.
How to Slim Down Without the Gym
Join a club
If you want to slim without the gym then you might benefit from joining a
club. Clubs are great because they’re social, they typically have
equipment to lend to you and they are great for boosting people’s
motivation. Before joining a club you need to first work out what sport
suits you. If you like being in a team you could join a badminton club.
If you like working solo then a running, or climbing club might be more
suited to you.
How to Slim Down Without the Gym
Doing the same exercise and eating the same foods is dull and even the
most disciplined of people would struggle to maintain their new regimen.
Instead, try to eat new, healthy foods on a weekly basis and mix up
what you eat. You should also do a variety of exercise, like running,
dancing, Pilates and skipping.
How to Slim Down Without the Gym
Don’t cut the dairy
Although the high levels of fat in dairy products make those who want to
get slim without hitting the gym wary, it turns out that eating cheese,
milk and other dairy products actually promotes weight loss. The study
was conducted in Australia and the researchers suggest that the protein
levels in dairy products may help people feel fuller for longer and
therefore make them less likely to snack on calorific foods.
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Metabolic Cooking - Fat Loss Cookbook
The Easiest Fat Loss Product To Promote On The Market! Metabolic Cooking Fat Loss Cookbook
- 250 Fat Torching Recipes To Banish Your Boring Diet And Burn Fat Faster!
- 250 Fat Torching Recipes To Banish Your Boring Diet And Burn Fat Faster!
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